Client Spotlight: Tyla Cornish

Introduce yourself and tell us about what you do

My name is Tyla, I'm a naturopath from Auckland. Alongside working 1:1 with clients, I also work as a freelance writer and create resources focussed on natural health solutions for other businesses. I'm also bringing out a range of herbal tinctures, which I'm super excited about!

Why did you start coaching with Olivia?

After the end of a long term relationship I lost a huge sense of myself, and it made me realise I hadn't really thought for myself in a long time. I wanted someone by my side to help guide me in the right direction - and figure out what that would even look like for me!

What have you enjoyed the most about the coaching process and main takeaway?

It's so hard to pick just one, because I experienced so many breakthroughs! Getting to know myself and what I actually wanted was huge - this created a strong foundation to come back to throughout the whole coaching process. Olivia taught me how to tap into my own intuition and make decisions that were in alignment with what I really wanted. Coaching also gave me permission to think big and have huge, exciting goals - something I had never really allowed myself to do before.

Daily Drop is Tyla’s recently launched business.

What are 3 business tips you'd like to share?

1. Just start! Trying to make things perfect all the time was a huge block for me. No one cares as much as you do about the little things!

2. Follow your gut instincts. If something feels off it probably is, but also knowing that some roads you will inevitably have to go down in order to soak up some kind of lesson (and to have compassion for yourself when you're in that place of learning!).

3. Things can be as easy or as hard as you make them - and it's interesting when you peel back the layers on why the hard things come with so much resistance.

A message for anyone wanting to start a business but is unsure about how to get started?

Getting specific about what it is you actually want is so important. It may change several times, but getting clear on what you want and making sure this is actually in alignment with your why is so key. Sometimes you do just need someone like a coach to keep you accountable! I had already been holding back in so many aspects of my life, and if I didn't have someone pushing me along at the time I don't think I would have had the courage to start.

Resources you turn to when lacking motivation

When I'm lacking motivation, it definitely becomes worse when I try to force things. Getting outside and going for a walk helps me reframe when I feel stuck - and I always benefit from switching up my working environment.

What do you love most about your business?

I love that it's so varied and that I can wear so many hats, but it all comes from a place of wanting to support others in feeling their best. Helping people connect the dots and identify the root causes of their health concerns gives me so much satisfaction!

Biggest hurdle you have overcome?

One in terms of business (that I wouldn't say I've 100% overcome) is that I've always had to rely on others opinions before finally making a decision. Coaching definitely helped with this, encouraging me to think for myself and follow through on so many actions I would have put off without having that accountability. I now encounter so many small decisions everyday that I make without thinking twice, and it's helped me build confidence within myself that I do know what's best.