Client Spotlight: Emma Creighton

This week on Client Spotlight I feature a regular client from the healing room, Emma Creighton. I loved reading her insights and answers, and hope you do too!


Introduce yourself, who are you and what do you do during the week? 

Kia Ora! I'm Emma Creighton and you can find me either working from home with my dog, Toto, or running across town a million miles an hour to meetings and appointments. I’m in the midst of starting a new venture with my dad so it’s a little crazy and no two days look the same.

What are 3 rituals you come back to when you fall out of balance? 

When it feels the world is going too fast the best thing to do is stop, take a breath and refocus. Getting off my phone, breathing exercises and a phone call to my mum always helps. Also, lucky number four, a good friend bought me a prompted journal for Christmas last year and it’s been one of the most meaningful and beneficial gifts I’ve ever received. Putting thoughts on paper helps centre my mind as well as allowing me to process and let go of any unwanted emotions.

What is your beauty regime? 

Sleep is huge, I’m one of those people that need a solid 8-9 hours sleep every night to feel like I can function. My top three beauty products of all time are the Emma Lewisham Illuminating Oil Cleanser, Dr. Dennis Gross C+ Collagen Deep Cream and Ultra Ceuticals Ultra UV Protective Daily Moisturiser SPF 30. 

Who/what inspires/expands you? 

It’s a cliche, but I’m truly blessed to be able to say my family. It’s been so beautiful to watch my older brother marry and start a family, now we’re a big family of seven! Being able to work with my dad and siblings is something I will never take for granted, they inspire me every day and being able to work towards the same goal feels so fulfilling. 

What mantra/piece of advice most resonates with you? 

Comparison is the thief of joy. My dad told me this right from when I was young and it’s always stuck with me. Everyone has their own journey and, with that, their own struggles and challenges so it’s important not to compare yourself but feel secure in your own path.

What is your own spiritual practice?

I listen to my good friend, Hannah Crerar’s, Yoga Nidra and Meditation audio album at night to help me unwind and centre my thoughts. There’s 20 tracks so I can choose to listen to what I feel I need most at that time. And when I’m at a crossroads I don’t hesitate to book in with Olivia for a Reiki healing session.

What is your morning ritual? 

Cuddles with my dog Toto followed by checking emails and my diary to see where I need to be for the day. For me it’s cathartic as if it’s not written down, it’s not happening. Oh, and I always listen to music in the shower to set the tone for the day - you should try it!

You are a busy woman, how do you incorporate balance into your life? 

Learning to say no is a big one! Allowing myself time and space to be on my own is increasingly important the older I get. As much as I wish I could be everywhere and with everyone at all times, it just isn’t possible. I used to get chronic fatigue so knowing my body and my boundaries is really important. 

How would you describe your Reiki experience with Olivia to someone who is brand new? 

A hugely empowering and rewarding reset button for yourself. If you’ve got some mental roadblocks or feeling unsure about anything, letting Olivia work her magic with Reiki will give you the reassurance and answers you need.