Client Spotlight: Hannah Marinkovic


Introduce yourself, who are you and what do you do during the week

I’m Hannah, born and raised in Auckland and a Libra sun, Virgo moon, rising Sagittarius. I’m a digital marketer and own a group of companies with my husband, Marco, in the digital space. I also own Friday Candy, a vintage designer jewellery ecommerce store.

What are 3 rituals you come back to when you fall out of balance?

Over the years I’ve developed quite a few that I swear by. Breathwork and meditation are very important to me and help me stay grounded, so I will increase this if I’m feeling stressed or out of balance. It’s the same with self-care, if I feel out of balance it generally means I haven’t given myself enough attention, so I’ll set aside some time for things like a pedicure, massage or reiki! It’s amazing what a little self-care can do. The third thing would be nourishing my body with healthy food and exercise. If I’m not eating well or fitting in regular exercise, I won’t feel good.

What is your beauty regime?

I have a simple but diligent skincare routine. Cleanse morning and night, Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C serums always, a rich moisturiser and SPF every day. I also love body brushing and religiously apply body moisturiser. I try to keep it as clean as possible, especially when it comes to body care. Healthy food and movement are also a part of this for me.

Who/what inspires/expands you?

I actually like to keep a list of people that inspire and expand me that I can revisit when I need it and I admire different people for different aspects of my life. My husband Marco inspires me daily, with his passion and work ethic. I love following women in business too, and people I admire are often killing it in multiple roles, in business, in their family roles as wives and mothers, still whilst having their own life, personality and goals. Maria Hatzistefanis is definitely an expander for me. They’re also often my peers and amazing girlfriends, or internationally recognised people like Oprah and Tony and Sage Robbins.

What mantra/piece of advice most resonates with you?

I know this one is cliche, but treat people the way you would like to be treated. Ironically I think we are seeing less of this in the digital age. Just because you’re communicating through a keyboard shouldn’t change this. I recently heard Will Smith on a podcast say the best piece of advice he ever received was from his grandmother, and she said “Make sure you’re nice to everyone on the way up, because you never know who you’ll pass on the way down”. I love that! I also love self-affirmations when I need it and just simple ones like, I am love, I am powerful.

What is your own spiritual practice?

I believe in energetics and practise Kundalini Yoga as frequently as I can get to class, normally around 3 times a week. Meditation and breath work come into this and Kundalini Yoga clears blocks in your energy field and awakens the kundalini energy that sits at the base of your spine through mantra, exercises, sound and meditation. I follow astrology and like to work with what I can, and always set intentions every new moon. I’ve been learning about astrology for the past four years and it’s not what you typically think or any of the mainstream stuff, it’s actually very much a tool that I like to use to help my understanding of myself and others. It is a spiritual journey getting to know yourself through your birth chart. I have a lot of planets in Scorpio in my 12th house, including Mercury, which my fascination with psychology and energy comes from. It means I love to psycho-analyse everyone around me (sorry guys, I try not to too much) but I find it so useful with working with our team at work, and it leads to a deep acceptance of everyone, and myself, as human beings.

What is your morning ritual?

I am up early most days around 5:30-6, and I’ll either head to the gym or get in my yoga practice. On days I don’t exercise I like to do 10 minutes of breathwork and in the weekends I’ll journal. I have a cold shower (every day!) and lots of coffee and I’m ready to start my day.

You are a busy woman, how do you incorporate balance into your life?

As a libra I think this comes quite naturally to me. I try my hardest to not work in the weekends and keep this time for myself and for catching up with friends and family. I’m also a morning person which means my brain isn’t much use to me in the evenings, so that helps! No matter how mad my weeks get I will always fit in my yoga and make it a priority, even if I just want to collapse on the couch and sleep some evenings. I’m not so good with keeping up with the gym when I’m really busy, it seems to be the first thing I drop, but I’m always working on it. Sometimes I do need a full reset which I think everyone needs and in a post-covid world I do think this is harder as we aren’t booking as many holidays as we used to. I recently did a five day retreat in Maruia with my yoga studio which was exactly what I needed, it re-energised my soul!

How would you describe your Reiki experience with Olivia to someone who is brand new?

If you’ve ever been interested in it, you have to try it! The first time I saw Olivia I can’t really explain it any other way apart from that it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off me. It was amazing. I had been really stressed at work, and I left feeling really the most settled I had in weeks, recalibrated and comforted. The insights she picks up on are incredible, and similar to astrology I think, I left with a deeper acceptance of myself. Olivia is wonderfully healing.