Part Time Assistant Opportunity
I am looking for a freelance part time assistant to work 4-8 hours/week with me in the business. The role involves working alongside me on a broad range of things; including writing newsletters, administrative tasks, brand and advertising tasks, creative tasks such as taking pictures, designing workshop material, updating client information, creating CRM material and implementing marketing strategy (social media). This role would be remote however we would meet each week in person, so this role is suitable for someone living in Auckland. This role would suit someone who is familiar with brand and has experience within wellness industry.
Role includes:
Meet each week for 1 hour
Work from home for remainder of hours
Be available for workshops/events when needed
To apply for this role you must have:
Experience using Adobe inDesign and Photoshop
Experience using CRM software
Eye for detail and design
Customer service experience
Passionate about brand and business
Experience with Squarespace/similar website format
Self motivated and proactive
Enjoys writing (i.e. transcribing podcast, instagram post etc)
Enjoys creative work/brainstorming ideas
To apply for this role, please email Cover Letter and CV to
I look forward to hearing from you x