Client Spotlight: Emma Lewisham


How would you describe your Reiki experience with Olivia to someone who is brand new? 

Olivia is a beautiful, warm and approachable person. The experience for me is calming and provides an opening and sense of balance and perspective!

What are 3 rituals you come back to when you fall out of balance? 

Meditation, exercise and gaining guidance and support from wonderful mentors in my life.

What is your beauty regime?

I focus on eating wholefoods, which are nutrient dense and drinking lots of water! This is very much part of my beauty routine! In terms of what I put on my skin, I love using natural products as I don’t believe there’s anything more powerful than ingredients from the complex natural world.

In the morning I cleanse for 45 seconds, and then apply my Skin Shield SPF30 daily, a product core to my routine! Followed by a serum focussed on skin brightening and helping me prevent hyperpigmentation I have worked so hard to soften the signs of.  

I then apply a small amount of make up! In the evenings I cleanse, exfoliate (three times a week) and then apply our rich supernatural night crème for intense hydration and proven collagen boosting effects. 

What mantra/piece of advice most resonates with you?

So often in life, things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be great, good fortune Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

What is your own spiritual practice? 

Meditation is something I have taken up over the last 3 years.

What is your morning ritual? 

I wake early so I can have some time with my husband before our daughter wakes up! It’s lovely to connect before our busy day starts! I then spend time with Milla my 21 month old, and we have some time together over breakfast. I leave home about 7AM and have a coffee where I plan what I want to focus on the day!

You are a busy woman, how do you incorporate balance into your life? 

It’s not easy with a business and a young child, so I’ve had to be deliberate and book time in my diary where I take the time out. It’s so important to do so, and gives so much perspective stepping away and having that space.